Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 29

Ich vermisse dich.

Thank God it's Friday again. It's finally the time for me to have the fullest rest for the weekend!!......i hope

It's coming to the end of July. 2 more days to August! Damn obvious I'd neglected my blog uh. Well still, I will try to always keep my blog updated with my daily doings and happenings:), even though my days are all packed suffocated with classes.

So assignments are starting to make their way through, so are the mid-terms. Had to keep referring to the text books for this semester, not easy not easy! My text books are all like a few inches thick wei...

*This is what I had in mind. Hmm......not so serious this looks more like my dictionaries~

So these days are like : books homework books homework assignments headache stress ...black and yellow, black and yellow.... Great I can even be a song writer now XD But cant deny, I always have this dizziness that I can't get rid. I tried not to take any Panadols and let it go away naturally.

Practically, that's what I'm doing during the weekdays. Or I name it "class-days".

My weekends aren't enjoyable anyway. Well, not if you consider tidying and cleaning up my room, grocery shopping and homework are fun. -____-

Luckily one love I got now, always by my side, keeping me accompanied and cheered me up. :) Introducing Mr Huang Ah Boy~

I miss you. We had been busy, you with your classes...assignments...daily routines; and my classes...assignments.... and add up the 7 hours time difference, we barely have time to talk.

Well I'm getting use to it ady, hope it doesn't affect us...

57 days without you
I miss you


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